When you do not get your periods on your date, the first thing that might come to your mind is pregnancy if you are sexually active. Therefore it is better to take the pregnancy test soon. So you know about it. And if your periods are delayed, and you are not pregnant, it can be a sign of some underlying health condition. So you have to consult with a healthcare provider. If you do not get your periods on time, you must consult with a doctor. To get an expert opinion, you can visit a gynecologist in Lahore.
Here in this article, we will tell you some early signs of pregnancy.
What Are The Early Signs Of Pregnancy?
Missed Periods
The most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. It happens because your body prepares itself every month for a possible pregnancy by preparing the endometrium- a tissue that lines your uterus and protects the child. When you do not get pregnant, it sheds in the form of period blood. But when you get pregnant, the endometrium becomes thicker to protect the child. Therefore you do not get periods when you are pregnant and holding the child. Therefore when you get pregnant, in the earlier stages, you might not know about it. Missed periods are a common sign of being pregnant. Therefore if you do not get periods for over five to seven days of your period date, it is best to take a pregnancy test.
Swollen And Tender Breasts
In the early stage of pregnancy, your body is not used to hormonal change. Therefore the hormonal change can cause your breasts to become tender and swollen. A gentle touch may be painful for them. However, it subsidizes by the time your body gets used to hormonal change.
Nausea can occur with or without vomiting during the pregnancy. It is a common sign that indicates you might be pregnant. However, in some women, nausea never occurs during pregnancy. While in some, it might be severe in the initial months and subsidized over time as the pregnancy progresses.
Increased Urination
During pregnancy, you need to urinate more than usual. It happens because when you are pregnant, your blood volume increases, and your kidneys have to filter more blood than usual. Therefore during pregnancy, you need to urinate more than often.
Moreover, as the pregnancy progresses, the weight of the baby puts pressure on your urinary bladder. Due to this, you need to use the toilet often and urgently. This problem becomes more often as your pregnancy progresses.
A common sign of pregnancy in the early days is fatigue. It might happen due to a progesterone hormone surge in the early pregnancy days.
Mood Swings
During pregnancy, a hormone surge occurs that makes you feel low, depressed, and weepy. However, it may get better over time.
With pregnancy, bloating might come. It is similar to that of period bloating.
In the initial days of pregnancy, you might have a complaint of uterine cramps. However, if it is severe, you must consult a healthcare provider about it or get an ultrasound done as soon as possible.
In the initial days, light vaginal bleeding may occur. It is known as implantation bleeding, which occurs when the ovum is fertilized in the uterus.
With hormonal surge during pregnancy, your stomach may slow down, leading to constipation.
The Bottom Line
The most common sign of getting pregnant is a missed period. But it can be only confirmed by taking a pregnancy test. Therefore if you miss your period, you must consult with a healthcare provider. To get an expert opinion, you can visit a gynecologist doctor in Karachi.